This “Made For Women” Gut-Healing Miracle Improves Digestion, Eliminates Bloating, Gas & Constipation… While Slimming Your Waistline...

This “Made For Women” Gut-Healing Miracle     Improves Digestion, Eliminates Bloating, Gas & Constipation… While Slimming Your Waistline...
By Mary Brayshaw Updated September 2021

“Look… your mommy is pregnant!”

I’ll never forget hearing those words that came from my son’s friend on his birthday...

We were at the swimming pool and I was having one of those “bloated belly” days.

It was like a ball of air trapped inside my tummy that couldn’t be released...

Despite the heavy bloating and stomach pains, I couldn’t let my son down.

After getting enough courage to remove my towel and step in the water...

My son’s friend noticed me, and in front of everyone at the party yelled out...

“Look… your mommy is pregnant!”

My face turned red… like a tomato!

Embarrassed and humiliated, I made a quick exit never to see him again.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the only time my gut issues had affected my life.

For most of my life, I had suffered from stomach problems, bloating, sluggishness, brain fog, and pain.

Some days I feel like a prisoner in my own bathroom...

Some days I feel like a prisoner in my own bathroom...

It’s all so disgusting and makes me feel less feminine.

Sometimes I feel like a “gas machine!”

I even have a special wardrobe to hide my bloated belly.

And “normal” food… like most people get to enjoy, I have to be VERY careful with.

Most things I just can’t eat.

I tried doing the FODMAP diet and while that helped a little bit, it never gave me full relief.

I’ve tried a ton of supplements and even followed my doctor’s “eat more fiber” advice when things get a little quiet down there...

And then be ready for the messy (and embarrassing) aftermath which can happen when you least expect it.

When I complained to my doctor that eating more fiber didn’t help, he said to me “the pain and bloating is something you’re going to have for life. You’ll just have to learn to deal with it!”

After hearing that, I cried like a baby!

It’s NOT ok to be bloated and in pain every day...

It’s NOT ok to be bloated and in pain every day...

It’s not right!

I just wanted to FEEL normal… WITHOUT the uncomfortable bloating, pain, and chill-inducing cramps that make you feel like you’re in labor.

I wanted to enjoy delicious food WITHOUT worrying about how it will affect my stomach afterward…

I wanted the freedom to be “carefree” and go out, experience new things… enjoy relationships. and live life on my terms WITHOUT being a slave to my digestive issues…

And most of all, I just wanted to feel confident, attractive and most of all feel like the feminine woman God made me.

I was desperate to find a solution...

I was desperate to find a solution...

One day chatting to an old friend from college, I started telling her about my bloating and digestive issues, and she caught me by surprise when she said:

“You need Emma!”

You need Emma!

My friend noticed the confused look on my face and then said...

“Ok, let me explain... Emma is a new digestive formula made for women. All my girlfriends who suffer from digestive issues take it. It’s like the best thing! You take two capsules a day and it keeps you regular. The bloating, cramps, gas, and all of that just goes away! You feel 10X better and you have waaayyyy more energy!”

This sounded too good to be true.

I’m normally careful with what I put in my body, but I was prepared to try anything to get some relief.

I took two capsules with water.

We sat and chatted for a while and I put on a brave face trying to battle my digestive issues.

And then suddenly, the pain and bloating magically disappeared...

I felt great!

Surely, this was probably a fluke.

I had literally tried EVERYTHING and many times in the past, something would work temporarily before the issues would come back with a vengeance!

I was still skeptical.

Later on that evening, I did some research on Emma and I was surprised by what I found...

First off, my friend was absolutely RIGHT... Emma was designed specifically for the female body...

The female digestive system is more complex than the male digestive system.

In a Mayo Clinic study, they found that for men, the process of eating to pooping took around 33 hours...

Now guess how long it takes for women?

You won’t believe it… It takes 47 hours!

That’s 15 MORE hours of digestion inside a woman’s body...

That’s 15 MORE hours of digestion inside a woman’s body...

Most importantly, the hormone differences that change due to a woman’s monthly cycle can take a massive toll on your digestion.

For 14 days before your period when progesterone spikes, your digestion slows down dramatically.

You can get bloating, horrible constipation, embarrassing gas...

According to Dr Adam Farmer, adviser to the charity The IBS Network:

“Symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea can typically get worse during menstruation. This may be due to increases in prostaglandin levels during menstruation. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances involved in pain and inflammation, which trigger the uterine muscle contractions”.

That means a man’s digestive system works almost completely OPPOSITE to a woman’s...

We’re on a cycle.

Our digestive system changes with our monthly cycle.

With men, it’s just based mostly around what he eats that day.

And because of these huge differences... women are 6X more likely than men to suffer from heartburn, chronic constipation, cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation, and worst of all, leaky gut.

Reading this, I started to really understand that the female digestive system works differently from men...

Emma is the ONLY digestive formula designed specifically for the female body...

Emma is the ONLY digestive formula designed specifically for the female body...

Each of the ingredients in Emma has been designed to restore different parts of the female digestive system:

Star Anise
Star Anise a 3000-year-old spice, provides much-needed digestive relief — from excess gas to cramps, to abdominal aches, indigestion, and constipation. It also helps reduce the awful yeast fungus called Candida — something that 75 percent of women can experience in their lifetime.
Licorice Root Extract
Licorice Root Extract has been shown to help restore the mucous membrane, which can coat and help protect against acid irritation. It’s also been used traditionally by women to balance hormones during menstruation and menopause.
Quercetin and Resveratrol
Quercetin and Resveratrol a powerful combination that helps rebuild the gut lining, improved heart health, and what was also amazing, in a study conducted at the University of Georgia, a mix of Quercetin and Resveratrol was shown to help stop fat cells from absorbing more fat, especially in those problem areas like the belly, butt, and thighs...
Berberine which some experts call Turmeric 2.0 because of its powerful healing properties. In one study, Berberine was shown to promote healthy gut flora, improve the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut, regulate powerful hormones in the gut… And Berberine not only helps fix gut issues, it also has been shown to help support weight management, improved immune function, balance blood sugar and reduce inflammation.

These were just some of the 17 gut-boosting ingredients inside Emma.

As I’m writing this, Emma has over 2,280 FIVE start reviews...

“As I get older, my digestion keeps getting worse! It’s the most frustrating thing, especially feeling bloated, heavy and lethargic all the time. After taking Emma, I feel less bloated, less belly pain, and better overall health.”
- Allison K.

“Finally something that works for the female body! Thank you giving us the gift of Emma. For the first time in years my digestive issues are gone. The bloat, the constipation and the painful cramps have gone. I’ve finally got my life back!”
- Linda M.

“I tried this because I’ve always been jealous of people who could eat what they want and not suffer from any digestive issues. The biggest shock to me was how FAST it worked. Just two days in and I was having “perfect poops” every single day after that.”
- Christine B.

“After trying thousands of supplements, etc. for IBS-D, I've finally found something that works! I was prescribed expensive pills and went through blood tests to try and find a solution for for IBS-D. I have spent countless hours researching natural solutions and have spent so much money on solutions to make my stomach feel "normal" again. This is the only product that has worked and made me feel 100%. There is no cramping, no bloating, and no bad side effects..”
- Rita M.

“Have suffered from both constipation most of my life. I now take Emma once a day with amazing results!”
- Bethany P.

So Did Emma Actually Work?

The reviews were convincing enough, so I ordered a few bottles. Here’s what happened next:

DAY 1:

After my friend gave me two capsules I immediately felt better. Chatting to my friend, I completely forgot about the cramps and bloating. They just gently eased and for the first time in a long time, I felt normal again. Maybe this was just temporary and the digestive problems would come back. I didn’t want to get my hopes up just yet!

DAY 7:

Okay, something about this definitely working. There’s no pain and no strain... My bowel movements are a lot easier and a lot more regular. I feel more comfortable during the day. This is the best I’ve felt in a long time. I’ve started getting a little more confident with going out places. I take Emma with me just in case anything goes wrong.

DAY 15:

Now I’m becoming a true believer in Emma. My bowels are no longer a constant source of anxiety. My stools are completely normal and I feel great! Not only does my body feel better, but my general mood has really improved. My confidence is slowly coming back.

DAY 30:

My confidence is definitely back! My skin is glowing, I’ve dropped some weight, my belly is flatter and I feel sexy. In fact, I’ve even started dating again! On my last date, he took me to a fancy Italian restaurant... I ate pizza, pasta, and ice cream and had no digestive issues at all! I even took Emma with me for an emergency, but she wasn’t needed!

DAY 60:

It’s official, Emma has changed my life! I’m exclusively dating someone now who also happens to be a real foodie. I could never imagine enjoying all the delicious food we eat together before with my digestive issues. Still losing weight and feeling better than ever. I also recommended Emma to my elderly mother who has digestive issues. Thank you Emma for giving me back my life.

I was skeptical at first...

... but Emma was a game-changer for me. Emma can help women:

Relieves Uncomfortable Bloating, Painful Cramps & Embarrassing Gas

Enjoy Daily Effortless Poops WITHOUT The Pain or Strain

Experience a Smoother Digestive Process and Improved Gut Health improving your overall health

Enjoy a Flat & Sexy Belly as you release 10+ pounds of “stuck poop” from your system

Increase Energy & Feel Lighter

Improve Mood & Enjoy More Confidence

Supports a Healthy Immune System

Emma Changed My Life And It Can Change Your Life Too...

I can’t even begin to tell you what Emma has done for my life.

I literally had no life before Emma and according to my doctor, my life was going to be full of digestive discomfort, eating bland and tasteless food, and never experiencing full relief.

Emma gave me my life back when literally nothing else worked!

Do yourself a favor today and claim your supply of Emma now.

The last time I checked, the company behind Emma — Konscious are offering up to TWO FREE BOTTLES on qualifying orders placed in (January 2022). It’s a limited time date, so you have to order now if it’s still available.

And apparently, Konscious are so confident that Emma works, they sell their product with a guarantee that goes way beyond the industry standard.

They offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you aren’t completely satisfied. There’s literally no risk.

If you or a loved one is going through the same or similar digestive issues to what I went through, you need to ask yourself what it’s costing you to not try Emma — especially when it’s absolutely risk-free to try

Just imagine yourself a year or two from now...

From the moment you wake up in the morning until the moment your head hits the pillow at night, you have more energy to take the day on.

You feel lighter, sexier, and more confident.

You enjoy eating the foods you love WITHOUT worrying about how you’ll feel later on...

You see improvements in your mood, as life suddenly becomes more enjoyable again...

You have more confidence to not only FEEL better but also radiate a healthy and more youthful glow...

And it’s great getting compliments from friends and family who noticed the changes in your body, especially around your waistline.

This is the life you want and you can get it today when you claim your supply of Emma.

What are you waiting for?

Claim Your Supply of Emma Now >>

Editor’s Note:

!UPDATE: Last I heard from my friend that works at Konscious (the makers of Emma), they just restocked more than 100,000 bottles of their famous female digestive supplement to try and keep up with overwhelming demand.

They are getting orders from all over the country and even requests from countries as far as Australia, UK, and Canada. One woman even went to their New Jersey office demanding product and ready to pay top dollar for an entire case.

And it’s not just ordinary women, orders are flocking in from celebrities, CEOs, and even prescription shops and doctors!

Even with their huge stock, there is a very high chance this free bottle offer could be sold out at any time. (Their accountant even called the CEO of Konscious ‘crazy’ for giving away free product on qualifying orders with such demand at retail price).

Be sure to leave your details so you are on the list to be notified when they have more inventory if you miss out today.

You’ll be very glad you did.

Claim Your Supply of Emma Now >>